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University of North Dakota: Environmental Ranking 2024

University of North DakotaRanked
in the USA
University of North Dakota is a medium-sized public college offering many disciplines along with environmental programs and located in Grand Forks, North Dakota. The college was founded in 1883 and is presently offering bachelor's, certificates, master's, and doctoral degrees in 2 environmental programs.

University of North Dakota is rather affordable: tuition price varies around $17,000 a year. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in North Dakota listing.

Recent data analysis showed that University of North Dakota area is relatively dangerous; the college is reported to have a poor rating for personal safety.

Based on 67 evaluation metrics, University of North Dakota environmental program ranks #404 Environmental School (out of 1367; top 30%) in USA and The Second Best Environmental School in North Dakota. Major competitors for this school are University of Minnesota Twin Cities in Minneapolis and University of Minnesota Duluth. See the details about all twelve competitors as well as offered environmental majors and minors below.

SAT & ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Environmental programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Second Best Environmental School in North Dakota
#78 Environmental School in the Midwest
#404 Environmental School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Second Best Environmental Engineering Program in North Dakota
Second Best Environmental Science Program in North Dakota

Regional Ranking

#30 Environmental Engineering Program in the Midwest
#73 Environmental Science Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#140 Environmental Engineering Program in USA

More program rankings:

You may be interested in other options to enroll University of North Dakota:
Biology Programs - ranked top 15% in USA
Chemistry Programs - ranked top 20% in USA
Engineering Programs - ranked top 15% in USA
Geology Programs - ranked top 45% in USA
Petroleum Programs - ranked top 25% in USA
Weather Programs - ranked top 30% in USA
Also, check how University of North Dakota ranks among graduate schools in North Dakota.

Contact information:

University of North Dakota
264 Centennial Drive, Stop 8193
Grand Forks, ND 58202-8193
Phone: (800) 225-5863
Website: www.und.edu

Location map:

University of North Dakota Location Map

Environmental majors:

Bachelor's degree

Environmental Engineering
Environmental Studies

Postbaccalaureate certificate

Environmental Engineering

Master's degree

Environmental Engineering
Environmental Studies

Doctor's degree

Environmental Engineering
Environmental Studies

Environmental minors:

Bachelor's degree

Environmental Studies

Local competitors:

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Environmental School Ranking
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Minneapolis, MN, 12 environmental programs

University of Minnesota Duluth - Environmental School Ranking
University of Minnesota Duluth

Duluth, MN, 7 environmental programs

South Dakota State University - Environmental School Ranking
South Dakota State University

Brookings, SD, 11 environmental programs

North Dakota State University - Environmental School Ranking
North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND, 5 environmental programs

Macalester College - Environmental School Ranking
Macalester College

Saint Paul, MN, 4 environmental programs

University of St Thomas - Environmental School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Saint Paul, MN, 5 environmental programs

Minnesota State University Moorhead - Environmental School Ranking
Minnesota State University Moorhead

Moorhead, MN, 5 environmental programs

Minnesota State University Mankato - Environmental School Ranking
Minnesota State University Mankato

Mankato, MN, 3 environmental programs

Saint Cloud State University - Environmental School Ranking
Saint Cloud State University

Saint Cloud, MN, 7 environmental programs

Metropolitan State University - Environmental School Ranking
Metropolitan State University

Saint Paul, MN, 1 environmental program

Bemidji State University - Environmental School Ranking
Bemidji State University

Bemidji, MN, 3 environmental programs

University of Minnesota Morris - Environmental School Ranking
University of Minnesota Morris

Morris, MN, 2 environmental programs

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